Hi Faye. " Rebel, how did you find out?"
I answered his question by email, and made an additional comment that was raised on here, and he simply didn't reply.
The Rebel.
when i left the watchtower i realised it was best to put friendships on hold.
however i mentioned to my best friend that i didn't agree with how they handled child abuse issues and that was one of the reasons i left.. anyway as i am fortunate and own two rental apartments and he is a plumber so we have kept in contact, in that i email him when i require his services and he sends me the invoice.
anyway i am now dissociated, but yesterday i emailed him about a pluming problem, and he replied.. " sorry we missed going to the indian ( this was a comment made about us having a meal together about 9 months ago, which i backed out of because i felt he was too indoctrinated and i had not disassociated myself) anyway his email continued:-.
Hi Faye. " Rebel, how did you find out?"
I answered his question by email, and made an additional comment that was raised on here, and he simply didn't reply.
The Rebel.
when i left the watchtower i realised it was best to put friendships on hold.
however i mentioned to my best friend that i didn't agree with how they handled child abuse issues and that was one of the reasons i left.. anyway as i am fortunate and own two rental apartments and he is a plumber so we have kept in contact, in that i email him when i require his services and he sends me the invoice.
anyway i am now dissociated, but yesterday i emailed him about a pluming problem, and he replied.. " sorry we missed going to the indian ( this was a comment made about us having a meal together about 9 months ago, which i backed out of because i felt he was too indoctrinated and i had not disassociated myself) anyway his email continued:-.
Thanks for all the replys, sadly it was false hope.
The Rebel.
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
Viv when a person says goodnight and have a good evening, most people respond with " and you also have a goodnight" But not Viv...
The Rebel.
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
Oh Viviane...When I said some posters must write from the heart, i actually meant posters should be allowed to express themselfs without the fear of those words being held up to the light and ridiculed with a different context to that in which they were written.
Anyway, it's,Friday evening that time of night me and my boy play football. so have a great evening Viv, and please no fighting with other posters unless absolutely necessary.
The Rebel.
Slimboyfat, somehow it seems very fitting that you appeared on this " farewell" thread.
The Rebel.
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
OrphanCrow, I am a White Dove.
Take care.
The Rebel.
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
Absolutely OpenCrow, that was never my suggestion. But when the brain is a silent immovable rock, trapped in a captive Jehovers Witness mind, it needs compassion and answers. Now I am not saying we should all be full of love and not challenge a posters deeply held believes. All I am saying is some posters, can respond to posters deeply held beliefs, ( particularly when they are very fragile) and be as challenging but with more sympathy and understanding than other posters.
The Rebel.
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
It would be interesting if we had statistics, of those prominent posters like minimus, blondie, Viviane, Cofty & EdenOne. I wonder of those posters which have been most helpful in assisting Simons intended purpose with the forum, which is to my understanding help people through their Watchtower exsperience.
Anyway my vote goes to...
Number 3 . Blondie
Number 2 Minimus
Number one....( after the remission)
The Rebel.
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
For the first time Viviane doesn't respond to my post.
Viviane in my opinion fighting about emotion v rationality is not why this forum exists. My opinion may be wrong but as I stated in far greater detail in my previous post, I was under the assumption Simon started this forum to help people in or get out of a cult. Any posts that subtract from that origional purpose are devoid of content.
The Rebel.
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
A further comment to my previous post which was:-
" some posters must write from the heart, and they should be at liberty to do do. They cannot do that if t he ideas from the heart are crushed without sensitivity."
My additional comment is, I was of the assumption Simon started this forum to help people out of a " CULT" and i in my case " EdenOnes" posts gave me that help. So in my life "EdenOne" represented what this forum is about, giving people the help, support and determination to live a life outside the Watchtoer. I also think this forum can subtract from its origional purpose when threads become devoid of that intent.
The Rebel.